Gaussian Common Errors and Solutions

Please use “Searching” function of your browser to quickly find what you want. Click the error message in table can get you to the solution directly. Last update at 2024-2-8. This blog is summarized from several web informations I collected. Some views are my own. Sources:1, 2 (by liyuanhe).)

Link Error Message
L1 ntrex1
Illegal ITpye or MSType generated by parse
L101 End of file in Zsymb
Found a string as input
There are no atoms in this input structure
Symbol not found in Z-matrix
Variable index is out of range (Case 1)

Variable index is out of range (Case 2)
Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol
L103 Error imposing constraints
FormBX had a problem
Maximum of*** iterations exceeded in RedStp
Linear search skipped for unknown reason
Inconsistency: ModMin= N Eigenvalue= MM
L108 Variable has invalid number of steps
L114 Error in INITNF
L123 Delta-x Convergence NOT Met
GS2 Optimization Failure
L202 Problem with the distance matrix
Atom too close
Change in point group or standard orientation
FOPT requested but NVar= XX while NDOF= YY
L301 End of file reading basis center
EOF while reading ECP pointer card
Atomic number out of range for basis set
No Q value available
The combination of multiplicity and electrons is impossible
Unable to choose the S8 parameter
No RCov radius available
No C6 coefficient available
Unrecognized atomic symbol
Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB
L401 Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals
L402 MM microiterations failed
L502 Convergence failure –run terminated
Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu
L508 Convergence failure
L602 GetVDW: no radius for atom
L716 Error on Z-matrix card
L801 Excessive mixing of frozen core and valence orbitals
Fatal Problem
L906 in GetRSB
L914 CISAX needs XXXXX more words of memory
L1002 Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu
No func 3rd derivs
NIJ > Max2 in MMCore
XXXXX words are not enough for AlAXAO
L9999 Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues
Number of steps exceeded
Determination of dummy atom variables in Z-matrix conversion failed
Other Erroneous write
Error imposing constraints
malloc failed
galloc: could not allocate memory
No such file or directory
Files in the Gaussian directory are world accessible





Gaussian can not access the specified path.


Check your input file, change the path correctly.

Illegal ITpye or MSType generated by parse


#p sp freq
Illegal ITpye or MSType generated by parse.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1.exe


This is an input error. Routine section has illegal specification. In this example, sp can not use with freq at same time.


Check your input file, use correct keywords and routine line specification.



#p m06-2x/6-31g(d)
QPErr --- A syntax error was detected in the input file.
#p M06-2X/6-31G(d)
Last state= "GCL"
TCursr=      3656 LCursr=       7
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1.exe


This is an input error. Keyword or syntax error(s) occurred in input file, the error is marked with ‘.


Check your input file, use correct keyword and syntax.

End of file in ZSymb


C -1.21995   2.13345   0.
End of file in ZSymb.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe


This is an input error. Gaussian can not find the Z-matrix. There are two common causes:

  1. You may have omitted the blank line at the end of the geometry specification.
  2. You may have intended to get the Z-matrix and parameters from the checkpoint file, but forgot to type geom=check.


Add a blank line at the end of file or add geom=check.

Found a string as input


Wanted an integer as input.
Found a string as input.
H                0. 0. 0.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe


 Symbolic Z-matrix:
 End of file in GetChg.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe.


This is an input error. Gaussian can not interpert charge/multiplicity line: ask for an interger but string was given. There are two common causes:

  1. You may forget to write the charge/multiplicity line.
  2. Is the title line is forgetten when using geom=modify, then Gaussian interperts the charge/multiplicity line as the title, and then tries to interpert the variable list as the charge/multiplicity line.


Check your input file, add the charge/multiplicity line or title.

There are no atoms in this input structure


Title Card Required
Symbolic Z-matrix:
Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1

Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error

There are no atoms in this input structure !

Please fix the molecule specification section of your input and try again.

Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error

Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe


This is an input error. Gaussian can not find the molecule specification section. There are two common causes:

  1. Something happened when making input file that no molecule specification section is included.
  2. You may have intended to get the Z-matrix and parameters from the checkpoint file, but forgot to type geom=check.


Check your input file, add molecule specification section or add geom=check.

Symbol not found in Z-matrix


 Symbol "H3NNN" not found in Z-matrix.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe.


This is an input error. You have typed in a variable name (in the above example, H3NNN) that is not in the Z-matrix.


Either type the correct symbol, or add it to the Z-matrix, as appropriate.

Variable index is out of range (Case 1)


 Variable index of 3000 on card  15 is out of range, NVar=  42.
 Termination in UpdVr1.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe.


This is an input error. You forgot to add a variable in your Z-matrix to your list. In the above example, it is a variable which defines atom #15.


Add the variable.

Variable index is out of range (Case 2)


 Unknown center X
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe.


This is an input error. You are trying to define an atom in a Z-matrix using another non-existent atom (in the above example, X)


Fix the atom name.

Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol


 O2WXC  90. 
 Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol "O2WXC".
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe.


This is an input error. You are attempting a geom=modify, but a variable whose value you are attempting to replace is not in the checkpoint file.


Either specify the correct checkpoint file or the correct variable.

Error imposing constraints


Iteration 96 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000206 RMS(Int)=  0.00542712
Iteration 97 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000193 RMS(Int)=  0.00542766
Iteration 98 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000180 RMS(Int)=  0.00542817
Iteration 99 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000169 RMS(Int)=  0.00542865
Iteration100 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000158 RMS(Int)=  0.00542909
New curvilinear step not converged.
Error imposing constraints
Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe 


Performing calculations that require restricted optimization (e.g., F and S with opt=modredundant, QST2, etc.), Optimizer does not know how to take the structural initial guesses under the current constraints.


  1. If QST2 is used, try TS(Berny) or QST3.
  2. If doing opt=modredundant calculations, use smaller step size, or modify the initial geometry.
  3. If doing fopt calculation, make a bit change on geometry and re-submit to calculation.

FormBX had a problem

If you got error message like following:

Bend failed for angle     1 -    11 -     3
    Tors failed for dihedral     9 -     1 -    11 -     3
    Tors failed for dihedral    10 -     1 -    11 -     3
    Tors failed for dihedral    12 -     1 -    11 -     3
    Tors failed for dihedral    14 -     3 -    11 -     1
    Tors failed for dihedral    17 -     3 -    11 -     1
    FormBX had a problem.
    Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe


Berny optimization.
Using GEDIIS/GDIIS optimizer.
Linear angle in Bend.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe


NTrRot=    -1 NTRed=   798 NAtoms=    66 NSkip=   606 IsLin=F
Error in internal coordinate system.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe
Berny optimization.
Using GEDIIS/GDIIS optimizer.
Linear angle in Tors.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe


NTrRot=    -1 NTRed=   798 NAtoms=    66 NSkip=   606 IsLin=F
Error in internal coordinate system.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe


The internal coordinates have inherent limitations, and this problem may occur when several atoms line up exactly during the optimization process.


  1. Using opt=cartesian:This method solves the problem completely in principle, but opt=cartesian increases the number of steps needed to optimize to the corresponding minima in most cases. If the system is not very time-consuming, this keyword can be used directly until the optimization converged. If the system is time-consuming, you can use opt=cartesian, after 2 or 3 optimization steps, save the optimized structure, redo the optimization with default opt method. Please be noted that, this method is not suitable when using opt=modredundant keyword.
  2. Sometimes re-opt the final structure directly can solve this problem, Gaussian actually adds some linear bend automatically for atoms close to the line, but it doesn’t always work.

Maximum of*** iterations exceeded in RedStp


Eigenvalues ---        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN

Maximum of*** iterations exceeded in RedStp.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe


This error is seems to be a bug of Gaussian somehow when doing freq job. Frequencies gave NaN instead of numbers.


Take the structure in the last step of geometry optimization, and submit the structure for opt freq again.

Linear search skipped for unknown reason


 RFO could not converge Lambda in  999 iterations.
 Linear search skipped for unknown reason.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe.


The rational function optimization was not successful during a linear search. Most likely the Hessian is no longer valid.


Restart optimization using opt=calcFC.

Inconsistency: ModMin= N Eigenvalue= MM


For example:

 RFO step:  Lambda0=4.023893503D-03 Lambda= 2.81557541D-03.
 Inconsistency:  ModMin=   2 Eigenvalue= 5.22434259D-04.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe.


This error sometimes occurs when doing transition state optmization using opt=QST2 or opt=QST3.


Try to switch to opt=TS method for transition state optmization.

Variable has invalid number of steps


 Scan the potential surface.
 Variable   Value     No. Steps Step-Size
 -------- ----------- --------- ---------
 Variable  1 has invalid number of steps      -1.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l108.exe.


This is an input error. You are attempting to do a generate rigid potential energy scan. Most likely, you have two blank lines instead of one between the Z-matrix and the variables.


Delete the extra blank line.

Error in INITNF



Error termination via Lnk1e in l114.exe


Optimization using a non-resolved gradient method without explicitly declaring variables, like CCSD(T).


Try to use other methods.

Delta-x Convergence NOT Met


Delta-x Convergence NOT Met
     Maximum number of corrector steps exceeded.
     Error termination via Lnk1e in l123.exe


Convergence did not meet in default iteration cycles, always happen in IRC calculations.


Add maxcycl=N in IRC keywords to increasing the number of cycles. If not work, use other algorithms to compute IRC like IRC=LQA.

GS2 Optimization Failure


GS2 Optimization Failure.
    Error termination via Lnk1e in l123.exe


The default IRC algorithm, HPC in Gaussian needs to be recalibrated in order to smooth the curve, but it often has the problem of non-convergence of the correction step. When switching to the GS2 algorithm, its restricted optimization sometimes does not converge either.


Use IRC=LQA might be the best choice (from Z. Wang’s experience).

Problem with the distance matrix


Small interatomic distances encountered:      6     1     7     2     8     3     9     4    10     5
Problem with the distance matrix.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l202.exe


This can be an input error. At least two atoms are too close together, with the list given above. Rarely, this can be a program error, particularly when one of the distances is NaN. This can happen when trying to optimize diatomics and you start of with too large a distance.


You will need to check variables and the Z-matrix of the atoms in question to make sure there are no atoms close together. This can be a result of a missing minus sign in a torsion angle for molecules with planes of symmetry, in which the two atoms related by the plane of symmetry are now conincident, that is, they have distance 0 between them.

Atom too close


Small interatomic distances encountered:
     2     1 5.00D-02
Atom too close.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l202.exe


There are at least two atoms have very close distance (longer than 0 but much smaller than a normal distance).


Check your structure. If the short distance is necessary for some reason, use geom=nocrowd to pass the atomic distance check.

Change in point group or standard orientation


 Stoichiometry    CdH14O7(2+)
 Framework group  C2[C2(CdO),X(H14O6)]
 Deg. of freedom   30
 Full point group                 C2      NOp   2
 Omega: Change in point group or standard orientation.

 Error termination via Lnk1e in l202.exe.


During the optimization process, either the standard orientation or the point group of the molecule has changed. If the former, a visualization program will show this as a sudden flipping of the structure, typically by 180 degrees. This error is a lot less common since Gaussian 03 was released.


  1. This can indicate that your Z-matrix is not correctly specified, if you go from a point group (e.g.: C2v) to a subgroup of the point group (C2 or Cs or C1).
  2. If the point group here is correct, it could indicate that your starting structure had too high symmetry and you should desymmetrize it.
  3. Rarely: If the point group here is incorrect (of higher symmetry), then your Z-matrix should be reformulated with more symmetry.
  4. If you don’t care about symmetry, then you could turn symmetry completely off.

FOPT requested but NVar= XX while NDOF= YY


 FOPT requested but NVar= 29 while NDOF= 15.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l202.exe.


You have requested a full optimization (FOpt), including checking the variables to make sure the correct number are present. The check indicates that there is an error.


If NDOF is less than NVar, then it means that the molecule is being run in a lower symmetry than it actually is, and you should consider running it with higher symmetry. If NVar is less than NDOF, it usually means that your Z-matrix has too many constraints, not appropriate to the actual symmetry. You can bypass the check using Opt instead of FOpt, but this is not recommended.

End of file reading basis center


End of file reading basis center.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe


This is an input error. You are attempting to read in a general basis set but you forgot to put in the basis set.

Fixing Put in the basis set, or remove the gen from the route line and specify an internal basis set.

EOF while reading ECP pointer card


EOF while reading ECP pointer card.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe


This is an input error. The effective core potential (ECP) was omitted.


Add the definition for the ECP, if you already difined ECP, check whether you omitted the blank line between basis sets and the ECP-definition.

Atomic number out of range for basis set


Rotational constant (GHz):      0.0817250      0.0474806      0.0408748
Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
Atomic number out of range for 6-31G basis set.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe


Current geometry included atoms which are not supported by current basis set. For example, the 6-31G basis set only support H-Kr.


Use other basis set.

No Q value available


 R6DQ: No Q value available for IA=                   0
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe


Ghost atom Bq could not calculated with dispersion correction like em keyword and DFT functionals which including dispersion correction like wb97XD, B97D.


When ghost atom is needed in calculations, do not use em or empiricaldispersion keywords. If DFT functionals like wb97XD must be used, include IOp(3/124)=4 keyword to force the program not use dispersion correction.

The combination of multiplicity and electrons is impossible


Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
Ernie: Thresh= 0.10000D-02 Tol=  0.10000D-05 Strict=F.
The combination of multiplicity 1 and     1 electrons is impossible.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe


The combination of multiplicity and electrons is illegal. As in this example, 1 electron has spin multiplicity of double (2), it could not be assigned as singlet (1).


Check the charge and spin multiplicity is correct or not, remember that: Spin multiplicity = N(alpha electons) - N(beta electrons) + 1. If you found the combination of atoms and charge is correct but multiplicity is wrong, please check your input file with text editor, find whether ?s is included in the molecule specification section, if yes, delete it/them.

Unable to choose the S8 parameter

IExCor=  408 DFT=T Ex=B Corr=PW91 ExCW=0 ScaHFX=  0.000000
ScaDFX=  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000 ScalE2=  1.000000  1.000000
IRadAn=      0 IRanWt=     -1 IRanGd=            0 ICorTp=0 IEmpDi=141
NAtoms=    1 NActive=    1 NUniq=    1 SFac= 1.00D+00 NAtFMM=   60 NAOKFM=F Big=F
Integral buffers will be    262144 words long.
Raffenetti 2 integral format.
Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
R6DS8: Unable to choose the S8 parameter, IExCor=  408 IXCFnc=  0 ScaHFX=  0.000000 IDFTD=4
Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe


When using empiricaldispersion=GD3 or GD3BJ, the program does not have the dispersion correction parameters for the corresponding DFT functions.


  1. Make sure you are using the correct functions with D3(BJ) correction. For example, the Minnesota functionals series does not support D3BJ.
  2. Use another functions, or do not use dispersion correction.
  3. Custom dispersion correction parameters from reported articles.

No RCov radius available & No C6 coefficient available


Integral buffers will be     262144 words long.
Raffenetti 2 integral format.
Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
R6DC6: No C6 coefficient available for IA= 96
Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe


Integral buffers will be     262144 words long.
Raffenetti 2 integral format.
Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
R6DRCv: No RCov radius available for IA= 96
Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe


When using dispersion correction or DFT functions with built-in dispersion correction, but the program does not have the parameters for specified elements.


Use DFT-D3 or disable dispersion correction.

Unrecognized atomic symbol


 General basis read from cards:  (6D, 7F)
 Unrecognized atomic symbol ic2 

 Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe.


You are reading in a general basis set, but the atom specified (in the above example, ic2) does not match any standard atomic symbol. This can also happen in a link job if a previous step uses default coordinates (which wipes the Z-matrix) and then you try to modify the Z-matrix with geom=modify. The Z-matrix variable section is ignored, but Gaussian may attempt to interpret it as basis set information.


Type in the correct atomic symbol.

Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB


 Standard basis: 3-21G (6D, 7F)
 Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l301.exe.


This is an input error. You have had a change in point group, and you specified iop=(2/15=4,2/16=2,2/17=7) to try to avoid program crashing.


Be very careful with iop, or remove altogether.

Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals


 Initial guess read from the checkpoint file:
 Unable to project full set of read-in orbitals.
 Projecting just the  36 occupied ones.
 Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l401.exe.


You are reading in a molecular-orbital guess from the checkpoint file, but the projection from the old to the new basis set has failed. This can happen if certain pseudopotential basis sets (CEP-121G*) are used with polarization functions where no polarization functions actually exist. In some cases Gaussian uses placeholder polarization functions with zero exponent.


  1. Don’t use CEP-121G*, use CEP-121G for the elements in question. They are the same for many elements.
  2. A workaround is not to use the guess.

MM microiterations failed


 MM microiterations failed.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l402.exe


The initial geometry is bad, the intermolecular distance is too close, and it may cause misjudgment of the bonding relationship.


Modify the initial geometry.

Convergence failure –run terminated


Convergence failure --run terminated.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l502.exe


The SCF (self-consistent field) procedure has failed to converge.


Please check this post for solutions towards SCF not converged problem.

Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu

Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l502.exe


Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1002.exe


The integral not enough, under DFT calculations with some basis sets.


Check the input file, whether there was some miss in basis set or unreasonable structure. If not, use one of following keywords:

  1. int=ultrafine (default in Gaussian 16), or int=grid=300590.
  2. SCF=novaracc.
  3. guess=INDO.
  4. If not work, use (1)~(3) at same time.

Convergence failure


Density matrix breaks symmetry, PCut= 6.91D-03
Density matrix has no symmetry -- integrals replicated.
Iteration  80 EE= -1377.03506721338     Delta-E=     -0.001137227868 Grad=4.268D-02
Gradient too large for Newton-Raphson -- use scaled steepest descent instead.
Convergence failure.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l508.exe


SCF not converged when QC method was used.


Delete keywords like SCF=QC, SCF=XQC, SCF=YQC and submit to calculation again.

GetVDW: no radius for atom


FitSet:  NAtFit=    76 NAtPot=    76 NAtFrz=     0 MDM=    80 TotChg=   0.00000
Merz-Kollman atomic radii used.
GetVDW:  no radius for atom   2 atomic number  29.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l602.exe.


The radius of the corresponding element is not built-in when fitting the electrostatic potential using pop=CHELPG.


Use readradii in pop and write the element name and specified van der Waals radius at the end of the input file.

Error on Z-matrix card


At the end of your output, you get a line such as:

Error termination via Lnk1e in l716.exe

The lines above will be a Z-matrix, above which will contain lines such as:

  Error on Z-matrix card number    9
 angle Alpha is outside the valid range of 0 to 180.
 Conversion from Z-matrix to cartesian coordinates failed:
                         Z-MATRIX (ANGSTROMS AND DEGREES)
 CD Cent Atom  N1     Length/X     N2    Alpha/Y     N3     Beta/Z      J
  9   9  H     8   0.962154(  8)   1   -1.879( 16)   2    0.000( 23)   0


Error in Z-materix description. In this example, it means that the Gaussian job terminated abnormally because an angle x in the Z-matrix changed to become outside the allowed range of 0 < x < 180.


This can happen if there are large geometry changes in a molecule, especially one composed of interacting fragments. Re-define the Z-matrix, or use a different coordinate system.

Excessive mixing of frozen core and valence orbitals


Largest valence mixing into a core orbital is  5.06D-01
Largest core mixing into a valence orbital is  4.89D-01
Excessive mixing of frozen core and valence orbitals.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l801.exe


Gaussian will do frozen core approximation on post-HF, doubly-hybrid functions and TD-SCF calculations, this approximation sometimes introduced error.

Fixing Try following 2 methods:

  1. Use (full) option in keyword, for example, MP2 -> MP2(full), CCSD(T) -> CCSD(T,full).
  2. Use IOp(8/11=1) to ignore the frozen core error. DO NOT forget to check whether the result if reasonable or not after calculation.

Fatal Problem


**** Fatal Problem: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is -0.78537370D-01

Error termination via Lnk1e in l801.exe.


In TDDFT, post-HF, when doing the integral transform involving the energy difference of the molecular orbitals as the denominator, if the molecular orbital gap is too small, the denominator is close to 0, and the result is a large number, which will lead to the problem of numerical instability.


Since no reproducible example could be found, the following solutions are only speculative and not fully verified.

  1. IOp(8/11=1) prevents the task from being terminated as soon as this warning occurs, and only prints out the warning and proceeds to the next operation. But remember to check the reasonableness of the result yourself.
  2. Changing the DFT function to one with a higher HF component may solve the problem (increase the gap). in GetRSB


 (rs|ai) integrals will be sorted in core. in GetRSB.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l906.exe.


The MP2 calculation has failed. It may be related to the pseudopotential problem above.


Don’t use CEP-121G*, use CEP-121G for the elements in question. They are the same for many elements.



In CCSD, CCSD(T) and CISD calculations:

Iteration Nr.   50
DD1Dir will call FoFMem   1 times, MxPair=         2
NAB=     1 NAA=     0 NBB=     0.
Norm of the A-vectors is  4.0812478D-03 conv= 1.00D-05.
RLE energy=       -0.0380878830
DE(Corr)= -0.37790236E-01 E(CORR)=     -1.1531999202     Delta=-1.55D-03
NORM(A)=   0.10071894D+01
Largest amplitude= 4.58D-02
Error termination via Lnk1e in l913.exe


Dominant configurations:
Spin Case        I    J    A    B          Value
    AA            1         3           -0.354624D+01
   ABAB           1    1   23   23       0.147097D+00
Largest amplitude= 1.84D+01
Error termination via Lnk1e in l913.exe.


Gaussian solves CISD, CCSD and CCSD(T) using some iterative method, and that iterative process failed to converge, either within the default cycle (50 steps) or within a set cycle.


As shown in the line marked by >>>> below, the CCSD / CISD correlation energy DE(corr) after each iteration will be output during the calculation process, and the CCSD will also output the energy change of the current iteration. It is necessary to observe whether there is a stable convergence of the former to a certain value, and whether the latter is converging to 0 to determine whether there is a trend of convergence or not.

DD1Dir will call FoFMem   1 times, MxPair=       380
NAB=   190 NAA=     0 NBB=     0.
Norm of the A-vectors is  1.2424967D-05 conv= 1.00D-05.
RLE energy=       -1.1041652032
>>> DE(Corr)=  -1.1041652     E(CORR)=     -236.55647322     Delta=-7.56D-08
NORM(A)=   0.11814199D+01
Iteration Nr.  12

If the above energies have a tendency to converge, increase the maximum value of CCSD, CCSD(T), CISD iterative loop, the default is 50, it should be larger than this value, such as CCSD(T, maxcyc=100). If the energies oscillate, we should firstly check whether the structure and the reference state are reasonable; in addition, we can try to fine-tune the structure and change the basis set.

CISAX needs XXXXX more words of memory


Iteration     1 Dimension    60 NMult    60
Cannot handle 2e integral symmetry, ISym2E=1.
CISAX needs   2533811 more words of memory.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l914.exe


Memory is not enough for current calculation.


Increase memory using %mem, or decrease the number of CPU core using%nprocshared.

No func 3rd derivs


Isotropic polarizability for W=    0.000000       12.56 Bohr**3.
No func 3rd derivs with HSE.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1002.exe.


This task requires Gaussian to compute the hyperpolarizability using the LC-wPBE function. The polar task requires 3rd-order analytic derivatives to compute the hyperpolarizability and the default assumption is that DFT methods have 3rd-order analytic derivatives.


Use a method with third-order derivatives; or make the program compute 3rd-order analytic derivatives numerically.

Specifically for calculating the polarizability using LC-wPBE:

  1. Compute the polarizability α for the numerical method using polar=Numerical.
  2. You can use the default polar keyword, which reports an error in calculating the hyperpolarizability β because LC-wPBE does not have third-order derivatives, but before the error is reported, the polarizability α has actually been outputted (e.g., in the rows indicated by the following paragraph, >>>>).
FullF1:  Do perturbations    1 to     3.
>>> SCF Polarizability for W=    0.000000:
>>> 1             2             3
>>> 1  0.311786D+02
>>> 2  0.214915D+01  0.273009D+02
>>> 3 -0.264577D-04  0.351431D-04  0.193900D+02
Isotropic polarizability for W=    0.000000       25.96 Bohr**3.
No func 3rd derivs with HSE.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1002.exe.

NIJ > Max2 in MMCore


Estimated number of processors is:   10
Inverted reduced A of dimension  2103 with in-core refinement.
NIJ > Max2 in MMCore.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1002.exe.


Known bug, fixed from Gaussian 09 C.01.


Use Gaussian 09 C.01 or newer version.

XXXXX words are not enough for AlAXAO


Generate precomputed XC quadrature information.
          Solving linear equations simultaneously, MaxMat=      72.
AlAXAO:  NMat=   690 NPMax=    1 NPMax1=    0 MaxMat=    72.
    33484188 words are not enough for AlAXAO.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1002.exe.


Memory is not enough for current calculation.


Increase memory using %mem, or decrease the number of CPU core using%nprocshared.

Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues


Error termination via Lnk1e in l9999.exe

This error requires checking the output file for additional information. Please search up from the end of output file for Optimization stop, in a few pages above, the following lines appear:

Optimization stopped.
-- Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues: Desired= 1 Actual= 4
-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.


Gaussian will check the number of negative frequency after finishing the TS optimization, if there is more than 1 negative frequency, the calculation would be stopped.


Use keyword opt=noeigen.

Number of steps exceeded


Error termination via Lnk1e in l9999.exe

This error requires checking the output file for additional information. Please search up from the end of output file for Optimization stop, in a few pages above, the following lines appear:

Optimization stopped.
-- Number of steps exceeded, NStep= 100
-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.


This means that the Gaussian job terminated abnormally for some reason internal to Gaussian. The most common cause is that a geometry optimization has not converged.


Open the output file in GaussView, check whether the optimization steps is shaking. If not, redo the optimization with the last geometry, and use keyword opt=maxcycle=n (n is 2 or 3 times of current number of step). On the other hand, if the answer is “yes”, try following method:

  1. Use different optimization method: opt=RFO, opt=GDIIS, opt=GEDIIS.
  2. Use different coordinate system: opt=cartesian.
  3. Modify the symmetry.
  4. Try different DFT functions or basis set.

Determination of dummy atom variables in Z-matrix conversion failed


At the end of your output, you get lines such as:

 Error termination request processed by link 9999.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in l9999.exe.

and just before:

 Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed.
 NNew=      6.03366976D+01 NOld=      5.07835896D+01 Diff= 9.55D+00


The conversion from redundant internal coordinates to Z-matrix coordinates failed because of the dummy atoms. The geometry optimization converged, but Gaussian couldn’t convert back to the input Z-matrix.


You will have to make do with Cartesian coordinates.

Erroneous write


Near the end of the output, it reads something similar to:

Erroneous write. write 122880 instead of 4239360.
fd = 3
Erroneous write. write 122880 instead of 4239360.
fd = 3
writwa: File exists


Erroneous write. write -1 instead of 3648000. 

fd = 4
writwa: No space left on device


Erroneous write during file extend. write -1 instead of 8192
Probably out of disk space.
Write error in NtrExt1


Typically, this occurs when you have run out of disk space. This could occur if you have exceeded your quota, if a disk is physically full, or (more rarely) a network drive is unavailable because of a communication time out.


  1. Check your disk, and delete unnecessary files.
  2. Your job may simply be too big to run on current hardware. Try using a smaller basis set.

Error imposing constraints


At the end of your output, you get a line such as:

Error termination in NtrErr:
 NtrErr Called from FileIO.

Above this, you have something like

 Operation on file out of range.
FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)=-19999 Len=     1829888 IPos=  -900525056 Q=       4352094416

 dumping /fiocom/, unit = 1 NFiles =   109 SizExt =    524288 WInBlk =      1024
                   defal = T LstWrd =  7437256704 FType=2 FMxFil=10000


This typically happens when you try to retrieve something from the checkpoint file (with opt=readfc or guess=read or geom=allcheck or geom=modify) that is not there, either because you did not calculate it previously, or you ran out of disk space or time while running the earlier job and the information needed wasn’t written to the checkpoint file.


Re-calculate or type in the information required.

malloc failed


malloc failed.: Resource temporarily unavailable
malloc failed.


This is not strictly a Gaussian error. It typically means that the computer has run out of memory, perhaps because you asked for too much memory in the %mem line.


  1. Reduce the amount specified with %mem.
  2. Increase the amount of memory requested in the job script with --mem=.

galloc: could not allocate memory


  galloc: could not allocate memory


This is a memory allocation error due to lack of memory. Gaussian handles memory in such a way that it actually uses about 1GB more than %mem.


The value for %mem should be at least 1 GB less than the value specified in the job submission script. Conversely, the value specified for --mem in your job script should be at least 1 GB greater than the amount specified in the %mem directive in your Gaussian input file. The exact increment needed seems to depend on the job type and input details; 1 GB is a conservative value determined empirically.

No such file or directory


PGFIO/stdio: No such file or directory
PGFIO-F-/OPEN/unit=11/error code returned by host stdio - 2.
 File name = /home/g16/scratch/Gau-12345.inp
 In source file ml0.f, at line number 181
  0  0x42bb41
Error: segmentation violation, address not mapped to object


The file named in the third line doesn’t exist, possibly because the containing directory does not exist. This happens, for example, if you set GAUSS_SCRDIR to a directory that doesn’t exist.


Create the directory with mkdir, or change the definition of GAUSS_SCRDIR to name an existing directory.

Files in the Gaussian directory are world accessible


Entering Gaussian System, Link 0=.../g16
Files in the Gaussian directory are world accessible.
This must be fixed.


Gaussian has no permission to execute.


Add 750 permission to the Gaussian dictionary, command: chmod -R 750 /path/to/Gaussian

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